MS Bike Across Canada


Jonathan Allenger

Journey with Jonathan

This summer, I am embarking on a cross Canada bicycle trip to amplify awareness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and to raise $1,000,000 to support the MS community in Canada. A trip that I hope you will take part in… either by meeting with me at rest stops along the way, riding with me or simply sharing your knowledge of this project within your own networks. I am looking forward to speaking to Canadians about my challenges as a Canadian living with MS, my hopes and dreams for a world free of this disease.

We’re in this together. Let’s ride.

Cet été, j’entreprends un voyage en vélo à travers le Canada, dans le but de sensibiliser le public à la sclérose en plaques (SP) et de recueillir des fonds en faveur de la communauté des gens touchés par la SP au Canada. J’espère que vous serez nombreux à prendre part à cette aventure, soit en pédalant un bout de chemin avec moi, soit en venant me rencontrer pendant mes haltes ou simplement en faisant connaître le projet sur vos propres réseaux. J’ai hâte de pouvoir échanger avec vous, discuter des défis que j’affronte en tant que Canadien vivant avec la SP, et partager mes espoirs ainsi que mon rêve d’un monde où cette maladie aura été vaincue pour de bon.

Nous sommes tous du voyage : l’aventure commence!

Route map

June 26

Cycling ended in St. John's, NL at the Terry Fox Memorial, Mile Zero.

Watch the Instagram Live recording here

The MS Bike Ride Across Canada has started on Sunday May 7th in Vancouver, British Columbia. We expect to finish the journey on Monday, June 26 in St John’s, Newfoundland.

Key stops of my route will be in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Regina, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Moncton, North Sydney and St John’s.


Did you meet/see Jonathan along his journey? Leave your mark to let Jonathan know you were part of his journey!

The Crew that made it happen

The Week Ahead

Perfect is the enemy of good (part 1)

When thinking about what the right act would be to follow up on last year's MS Bike Across Canada, I really struggled to find something that would be meaningful to me. I wasn't going to be able to take two months off work like in 2023. I also knew that I didn't want...

To Hope, With Hope on a Journey of Hope – My Perspective on my Mom’s Origin Story

My mom's origin story began in a small town in southern Italy called Castellaneta in 1957. That's where her and her sister were born to Nicola Galatone and Giuseppina Ripa. Nicola (my Nonno) and Pina (my Nonna) were a tinsmith and a seamstress, respectively. Life...

Energy and the importance of understanding our relationship to it. Hope without a plan is not good strategy.

This past week I've been doing a lot of thinking about the concept of energy. Energy, in the context of what I am looking to discuss is essentially the thing that gives us an ability to do something, like thinking, walking, talking and riding a bicycle. A more...

Pain, Resistance, Suffering, Why and Hope

I believe those who practice mindfulness or meditation will not be shocked by the contents of this post. I for one could really benefit from a bit of the former, the latter, or both and yet I've struggled for years with sustaining any forward momentum with either...

The link between Distance, Thoughts and Feelings

As I got off my bike this morning and took a minute to upload the ride on @strava, I chose to take a sneak at my “progress” since the wheels fell off the bus a number of weeks back. I knew I had ridden 60km yesterday and 20 something this morning, but somehow the...

Thank You!

Your donations means so much, especially to all who are affected by MS, so thank you for taking action and raising awareness. Every donation gets us closer to our $1,000,000 goal.

Official Sponsor / Sponsor Officiel

BioScript Solutions
In support of MS Canada
MS Bike
Au profit de SP Canada
Vélo SP

Mentioned In

CTV News Regina
4t Below Zero
Global News
Canadian Cycling Magazine
TB News Watch
Multiple Sclerosis News Today
Everyday Health
Medicine Hat News
The Chronicle Journal